
Architecture photo | Architekturfoto

Iconic design - Edersee visitor centre

In an unusual place, a building also needs an unusual design. Following this guiding principle, a new visitor centre was built on the banks of Lake Edersee according to the plans of architect...


Events | Veranstaltungen

Company News | Firmennachrichten


With a net, but what about safety?

Dear readers,A few days before we took this issue to the printers, the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action presented the federal government’s plans for the hydrogen core network....


Germany News

70th anniversary of the Keramlabor

“The best age is - now”, said Dipl.-Geologe Holger Kreth, head of the laboratory, on the day of honour. In a small ceremony, the employees commemorated the long and eventful history of the company...


International News


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