Anniversary meeting in Münster

At the end of September, this year‘s annual meeting of the Arbeitskreis Baufachpresse took place in Münster. The 60th anniversary of the professional association was celebrated, and the election of a new board was also on the agenda.

The chairwoman Ulrike Trampe, Editor-at-Large, was confirmed in office, as was the deputy chairwoman Elke Herbst, Head of the Business Units Construction and Trade at Verlagsgesellschaft Rudolf Müller, secretary Maike Sutor-Fiedler, editor-in-chief of the magazine Asphalt & Bitumen, treasurer Dieter Last, owner of the PR agency Last Waldecker PR, and the public relations officer Claudia Büttner, press spokeswoman of the Central Association of the German Roofing Trade (ZVDH). Sven-Erik Tornow, owner of the PR agency Flüstertüte, was also re-elected. Assessor Sandra Greiser did not stand for re-election for professional reasons. Instead, Markus Langenbach, Head of the Construction, Extension and Trade Programme at the Rudolf Müller Media Group, was able to convince the voters.


Exciting excursion to

As usual, there was a variety of interesting visits for the approximately 70 participants. At the brick and clinker manufacturer Hagemeister in Nottuln, Westphalia, not only could clinker creations in over 500 colours, formats and structures be admired in the showroom, but also their production could be viewed during a factory tour. After the tour, the guests were allowed to try their hand at designing bricks themselves.

The Hagemeister plant in Nottuln has been producing clinker bricks for almost 150 years. Today, almost 200 employees work there, and the company is managed in the fifth generation by Dr. Christina Hagemeister. It was she who, together with Marketing Manager Marcel Lohmann, welcomed the guests. For about five years now, an increase in business with facing bricks has been observed, which is due to the renewed importance of building culture in the cities. There are more and more projects with architects for which individually developed clinker bricks are produced. In this context, ornamentation is becoming increasingly important, according to the Managing Director.


Facade panels from

All participants visited the H7, a seven-storey office building in timber hybrid construction by Andreas Heupel Architekten, Münster. The exterior façade consists of green-glazed ceramic panels specially made for this building by Moeding from Marklkofen in Bavaria.

Based on a foliage mantle, three different brightness levels of the same shade of green were defined. One criterion for the choice of ceramic façade tiles was the client‘s requirement to use natural building materials and a recyclable façade system as far as possible. The glaze was defined in several sampling runs and its semi-transparency corresponds to the architect‘s wish to make the naturalness of the material visible and tangible. Supported by the surface structure of the grooved panels, the glaze colour changes from yellowish to deep green and creates an almost shimmering image in certain lighting situations.

60 Jahre Arbeitskreis Baufachpresse – Im Dienst der Baufachinformation

Sein Jubiläum feierte der Arbeitskreis Baufachpresse e. V. dieses Jahr in Münster. Der Austausch zwischen den zahlreichen Disziplinen in der Baufachbranche führte 1961 zur Gründung des Arbeitskreises Baufachpresse e. V. in Neumünster. Das einzigartige Netzwerk von Fachjournalisten, Baupublizisten sowie Pressesprechern aus Wirtschaft und Verbänden wurde mit dem Ziel gegründet, den professionellen Austausch von einer gemeinsamen Basis aus zu fördern, ein Netzwerk zu etablieren und voneinander zu lernen.

Im Laufe der Jahrzehnte ist daraus ein anerkannter Berufsverband mit knapp 200 Mitgliedern entstanden. Dieses Kommunikationsnetzwerk im deutschsprachigen Raum bildet das „Bauen“ als Gesamtprozess ab, ebenso wie die Veränderungen in den Verlagen und Agenturen. So gehören heute auch Blogger, Architekturfotografen und Online-Publizisten zu den Mitgliedern des Arbeitskreises Baufachpresse.

Zentrale Fortbildungs- und Fachinformationsveranstaltungen für alle Mitglieder, die auch online angeboten werden, und die jeweils im Herbst stattfindende Jahrestagung sind die Plattformen des Netzwerkens. Inhaltlich finden sich im Verband zahlreiche Disziplinen wieder: Architektur und Planung, Handwerk und Handel, die einzelnen Sparten des Tiefbaus, Hochbaus und Ausbaus bis hin zum Ingenieurbau, dem übergreifenden Baumanagement, zur Immobilienwirtschaft und zu hoch spezialisierter Bau- und Prozesssoftware.


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