Wienerberger take-over of Reetz clay block plant from Röben

As of 1 September 2017, Wienerberger AG is taking over the Reetz clay block plant from Röben Klinkerwerke GmbH in Germany.
“For us, increasing our production capacities for high-quality clay blocks filled with mineral wool is an important step to optimally serve the market. We are also delighted to be able to take over a plant such as the Reetz facility that especially thanks to its innovation fits in so well with Wienerberger’s corporate culture. Reetz has a motivated team – together we shall continue to successfully push ahead with business,” says Lorenz Bieringer, Managing Director of Wienerberger’s business unit for wall products and spokesman for the management.
190 mill. NF at the Reetz plant
The plant is located around 100 kilometres south-west of Berlin. With about 45 employees, it produces high-quality blocks with an annual production capacity of 190 mill. NF. The product range comprises high-quality clay blocks filled with mineral wool and unfilled blocks as well as high-precision clay blocks. The main markets supplied by the plant are regions in the eastern part of Germany and in the west of Poland. The facility is also equipped with an efficient photovoltaic installation to generate its own electricity.
Currently, Wienerberger produces clay blocks at nine production sites in Germany; filled blocks are produced at two of these plants. The takeover will shift the emphasis to higher-quality products. Wienerberger intends to use the Reetz facility to obtain a better market presence for clay blocks as a building material.
Currently, Wienerberger operates 18 plants in Germany. These include ten plants for clay blocks, three plants for facing bricks and clay pavers, four roofing tile plants and a facility for ceramic facade tiles. Wienerberger employs a labour force of about 1 450 employees in Germany.
Wienerberger GmbH


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