A successful year in 2014 for Sabo in Algeria

In the past year, Sabo continued its successful work and consolidated its strong presence in Algeria, with four plant start-ups in four regions. The plants are based on different technical solutions, to meet the specific needs of Sabo’s clients. El Barakate in Boudouaou (north), Edhaia in Touggourt (south), Boumerdes in Tiarret (west) and Sarl ETTU in Oum El Bouaghi (east) were all built in a period of less than six months.

El Barakate at Boudouaou

For its client El Barakate, Sabo built a plant in a very limited space. It is the second line that Sabo has installed for this client in a period of six years. In a very small space of 92 x 28 m Sabo managed to fit a 200 t/day production unit with a rapid dryer and a four-pack-wide kiln. Robots are used for setting and unloading and for packaging. Output reached the contractually agreed level in just one month from the day when the first brick left the kiln.

Edhaia at Touggourt

Edhaia at Touggourt also was started up in the same period. Key feature of this project is the enormous production capacity. It is equipped with one of the largest Sabo rapid dryers with three units on every 6-m-wide pallet. The kiln can take six packs of products next to each other in width and has a height of 1.8 m, ensuring a production level of 800 t/day. The plant boasts one of the largest clay preparation facilities, with a capacity of 1 600 t/day, and one of the biggest excavators in Algeria. The nominal production was achieved within three months after commissioning, and is now even exceeded with a steady 930 to 950 t/day. Like all new Sabo factories, the plant is robotized. The enormous packaging line is capable of handling six different pack sizes of every different brick. One can say that this factory has really changed brick production in Southern Algeria.

Boumerdes at Tiarret

Boumerdes at Tiarret was also started up parallel to the two plants described above. Sabo realized a solution to ensure a production capacity of 600 t/day, taking a rather different technical approach owing to the difficult terrain. Sabo presented a solution that not only gave the client the required production level, but in three months managed to produce 750 t/day, i.e. 25% more than specified. Sabo installed a rapid dryer with two units per 6-m pallet, and a six-pack-wide kiln with a height of 1.6 m. The clay and Sabo’s equipment have ensured not only a high output but some of the best-quality bricks in Algeria.


Last but not least, the factory of Sarl ETTU at Oum El Bouaghi was started up, about three months later than the other three projects. This project was totally different with regard to the adopted technical solution because of the difficult clay used in production. A huge tunnel dryer was built and a solution with moveable shelves chosen. The output of 800 t/day was achieved using a kiln of the same dimensions as that in Edhaia, with robotized setting and unloading equipment. The packaging line is also the same as the one used for the Edhaia project and ensured problem-free production.


In 2014 Sabo again managed to raise the level of quality of its equipment and present solutions to meet the special needs of every client. No matter if the available space is limited, the terrain is “unfriendly”, the clay is difficult or an enormously high output is required, Sabo can offer the right solution.



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