Burton’s debut product at Ceramitec:
up to 25% lighter H-cassette systems

Burton GmbH + Co. KG, together with Burton Kiln ­Furniture Kft., presented a spate of new design solutions for the entire spectrum of firing technology at Ceramitec. Their latest developments include BurcoLight Plus tunnel kiln car refractories characterized by higher thermal shock resistance and improved mechanical properties, and H-/monosetters in BurcoLight quality. We spoke to Managing Director Márton Varga about these new products and their chances in the brick and tile industry.

Zi: Mr Varga, you have been the managing director of Burton GmbH since 2002, and a partner in the company since 2004. Before that, you were with the Burton subsidiary Apta Kft. in Hungary for over 20 years, where you headed the technology and production division. Would you please give us a brief rundown of how Burton has evolved over that period of time?
Márton Varga: Our main concern has always been to come up with new ways for our customers to save. We have focussed on reducing the weight, that is, the specific density, of our refractory products. Lighter tunnel kiln cars (TKCs),...

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Less energy consumption thanks to intelligent refractory technology

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