Trendy clinker look

Facing bricks and clay pavers show strong production growth in Germany

For the third year in a row now, the German brick and tile industry is seeing increases in the production of facing bricks and clay pavers.

The facing brick volume expanded by 5% in 2018, while clay paver output increased by nearly 16%. In terms of value, the year produced a gain of 8.5% to approx. € 184 million for facing bricks and of just under 9% to about € 63 million for clay pavers.

Dr. Matthias Frederichs, managing director of the Federal German Association of the Brick and Tile Industry (BVZI), says: “We have noticed that architects are increasingly focusing on individually designed façades of clay building products in both commercial and residential construction.” Facing brick producers, the managing director reports, “are accommodating the new demand and fully capable of turning out all the sought-after products of the required quality, including made-to-order articles.”

Bundesverband der Deutschen Ziegelindustrie e. V.


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