For a huge variety of bricks:
De Rijswaard installs Hubert soft-mud press line and rumbling drum
Following its investment in the soft mud press with Hubert system, which had been optimized by De Boer, in 2012, the Netherlands-based brick manufacturer De Rijswaard started operation of a new De Boer rumbling drum in 2013. This drum can be used to artificially age bricks, giving them a retro look. With its existing Handformatic press, De Rijswaard now has almost endless possibilities for brick appearance.
1 Introduction
Part of the profit is permanently reinvested in the plant. During a major upgrade in 2008, a new Lingl tunnel kiln and a fully automatic production line were put into operation. Great importance was attached to effective insulation of the kiln, which not only had a positive effect on the temperatures in the factory but also on energy consumption.
In 2012...