TUS Group produces extensive range of products on one line
Bedeschi S.p.A. has built and commissioned a new masonry brickworks on a greenfield site for the TUS Group based in Cheboksary, a market leader in the construction of large housing units in the Republic of Chuvasha. In the new brickworks, 60 mill. facing bricks and large-size porous blocks are manufactured. They are sold under the brand name Ketra on the domestic market and in neighbouring regions.
1 Introduction
With the combination of consolidated experience and innovative solutions, Bedeschi was able to meet the requirements for the production of both facing bricks and large-size high-porosity masonry blocks on just one line while ensuring a high quality standard of the products. The plant was built and commissioned in a very short time. The product range comprises:
Facing bricks (250 x 120 x 65 mm and 250 x 120 x 88 mm)
Masonry blocks (250 x 120 x 140 mm and 250 x 250 x 140 mm)
High-porosity blocks (380 x 250 x 219 mm, 398 x 250 x 219 mm and 510 x 250 x 219 mm)
Other products, for...