Refratechnik Ceramics operating successfully in the North African markets
As a globally leading supplier of refractory tunnel kiln systems, Refratechnik Ceramics successfully supplies large-scale projects in Algeria and Tunisia. The Burton systems made by Refratechnik Ceramics are optimally tailored to the needs of the North African markets.
In the SARL Babahoum Group, Algeria, at the Biskra and Sidi Bel Abbes sites 186
tunnel kiln cars have been put into operation for firing vertically perforated clay blocks. In this project the existing draught hole blocks were used.
Numerous projects have been reliably completed with the Greek plant supplier Sabo S.A. Complete refractory equipment for tunnel kiln and kiln cars was supplied for the customers SARL Briqueterie Amouri, Khemis el-Khechna, and SARL BGO Briqueterie in Touggourt. Sabo S.A. has also issued orders on behalf of the end-customers SARL Group Bouhtaib, Tiaret, and EURL ETP Djeffal Hocine in El Kala, El Torf.
In Tunisia, Refratechnik worked in cooperation with the French plant supplier Cleia S.A. to deliver the complete equipment to the project of the Tejra Group, Tunis. This comprises a wall, suspended ceiling and 130 tunnel kiln cars. Moreover in Algeria, also in cooperation with Cleia S.A., Refratechnik equipped the vertically perforated block plant Guerrouache in Medjana, Bordj Bou Arreridj, with wall, ceiling and tunnel kiln cars. In Libya, the entire refractory equipment was delivered for the Al Machrek project near Tripoli.
Through the Italian plant supplier Marcheluzzo, Refra-technik was contracted with the supply of refractories for the projects of the Groupe Industriel des Ciments d‘Algerie Batna and Tadjenanet.
In all projects the individual system solutions, tailored to the customer needs, optimize the firing processes and product quality.
Refratechnik Ceramics GmbH