The mystery of clay – part 3:
Sound and proper exploration of deposits
Sound and proper exploration of deposits
In the exploration of clay deposits, we are always faced with the same questions, particularly with regard to the proper extraction process and to the type and number of exploration drillings – according to one old proverb, “One who makes few mistakes makes little progress”. Consequently, this authentic, practice-oriented presentation revolves around seven typical past and present exploration errors. The mistakes in question run the gamut from quaint or unbelievable to extremely expensive, and from immediately recognizable to long-term imperceivable – often with disastrous consequences that persist for decades. Of course, the author also tells how to do it right in the first place by way of seven corresponding, concrete recommendations.
EurGeol Dr. rer. nat. Lutz Krakow, Dr. Krakow Rohstoffe GmbH, Göttingen